Chloe Foster
Sussex Rainbow Counselling
Tel 07472 987 893
Chloe Foster is passionate about training counsellors to enable you to feel more confident working with LGBTQ clients.
> Click here for more information on the training/workshops offered by Chloe.<
As a counsellor and trainer in her private practice, Sussex Rainbow Counselling, she specialises primarily in gender and sexual diversity within LGBTQ communities.
Chloe's passion for working in this area began before her counselling career through her work with several LGBTQ organisations in Sussex: LGBT Switchboard, MindOut, and Allsorts Youth Project.
With a first-class degree in Education, she loves teaching and training and is proud to have made training an ongoing part of her career since 2003.
Chloe is also an accredited Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversities Therapist with Pink Therapy.