Josephine Hughes

Josephine Hughes

Josephine Hughes

Counsellor and Coach

Josephine Hughes is a BACP Accredited Counsellor, Trainer and Coach.

She helps therapists start their private practice, get more clients and grow their business.

She helps them overcome the fears that are holding them back and then works with them to identify and implement the strategies which will attract their ideal clients.

Josephine offers both individual and group coaching and runs a Facebook group called Good Enough Counsellors.

Further Help

Are you stuck?  Do you know what you want to do but you're scared about doing it?  Are you worried about doing something wrong?

Would you like to take action knowing that you've got all the angles covered? That you've thought about the possible outcomes and what to do about them?  So you can be confident that, whatever happens, you've got a plan?

Download Josephine’s Get Going Three Step Planner so that you can get started on the project and stop worrying about the problems. You can find it here: