Research Proposal

Download this Page Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP An Exploration of Extra Ordinary Knowing. BA (Hon) Humanistic Integrative Counselling 2016-17   What: Permission is sought by virtue of this proposal to explore ‘extra ordinary knowing’s’ in relation to spiritual and/or conscious awareness and its significance within the therapeutic field. Is Read More

Useful Links

Download this Page Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP BACP Research page Consent document (could be adapted for differing areas of research) Ethical research 1 (a must read) Ethical research 2 (a must read) d6bbbe342331/Research_87694_Printer-Proof.pdf.aspx How to write qualitative questions How to write a research proposal Read More

Secondary Research Links Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP Get the Sound File Download Resource Links list Authority Links Searching for research information on the internet has become the ‘norm’ for students over recent years, however, challenge for anyone undertaking research is the quality and accuracy of information on many websites. The links Read More

Agenda Checklist Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP Get the Sound File Download this Page Over the years I have taught counselling, I have observed a lot of groups carrying out research, the most successful student researchers tend to have a common set of behaviours and methods of working. These are: 1. Read More

7 Planning Tips Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP Get the Sound File Download this Page In this module we discuss building the foundations of your research project, and help you to consider how to structure your time. Whether you are researching alone or as part of a group, one structure that is Read More

Presenting Your Research Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP Get the Sound File Download this Page Download your Presenting Your Research slide pack The first thing that we are going to consider is the rule of ‘7Ps’, also know as ‘Proper Pre Planning Prevents Piddly* Poor Presentations’. In other words being certain that Read More

Research Methods

Download this Page Need help downloading these files? CLICK HERE FOR DOWNLOAD HELP Guide to Small Scale Research Projects Why is research important to the practising counsellor? Research provides a scientific way to improve or develop new methods of working with, and understanding client distress. Mental health is a rapidly evolving area of study allowing Read More