149 – CORE Assessment in Counselling Work

149 - CORE Assessment in Counselling Work

Preparing for Next-Level Interviews - Reflecting on Future Support Needs

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In episode 149 of the Counselling Tutor Podcast, Ken Kelly and Rory Lees-Oakes provide tips on how to prepare for interviews for the next level of counselling training (or for placements). 'Check-In with CPCAB' then focuses on the support you may like to put in place as you finish the academic year, and perhaps your whole course. Last, in 'Practice Matters', Rory interviews psychologist John Mellor-Clark about using CORE assessment in counselling work.

Preparing for Next-Level Interviews (starts at 2.50 mins)

It is natural to feel anxiety and nerves when contemplating interviews - whether for training courses or placements.

Drawing on their experience of both studying and lecturing, Rory and Ken provide the following tips:

  • If you're not already a member of the Counselling Tutor Facebook group, do join up and chat to over 30,000 others interested in the world of counselling and psychotherapy (including students, qualified practitioners, supervisors and tutors) - it's a great source of support.
  • Remember that interviews are a two-way process - it's also important for you to decide whether the college or agency is the right place for you.
  • Prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview; this helps you find out what you need to know, and also shows you have thought about and researched the course/agency.
  • Bear in mind that the interviewers aren't trying to catch you out - simply to assess whether you have the enthusiasm needed, are aware of the level of commitment required, understand the theory sufficiently, and have the emotional stability to do the course.
  • Be open about any difficulties you might have, e.g. specific learning difficulties (such as dyslexia) and mental-health issues. None of these rules you out of counselling training, and honesty about these is likely to be looked upon favourably.
  • Read Rory's handout of tutor tips on preparing for your next-level interview; you can download it here.

Don't forget too that if you don't get a place on the course you want, this doesn't necessarily have to be the end of the road for your counselling training. Many people take breaks between levels: it may just not be the right time yet for you to continue.

Check-In with CPCAB: Reflecting on Future Support Needs (starts at 20.50 mins)

Rory talks to Heather Price (Senior Counselling Professional) at CPCAB (Counselling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) about how it feels to come to the end of a counselling course, as you and your peers all go your separate ways.

Heather suggests that the subsequent feeling of isolation may surprise you. This is a loss - a kind of bereavement - and so it\'s important to give yourself time to process it.

In particular, do try to prepare for the ending of your course, and to plan where you will source your support afterwards. For example, some people choose to continue to meet up with their peers, or to create a Facebook or WhatsApp group where they can exchange messages.

Another way to gain similar benefits might be to pursue options for CPD.

Your experience as you end a course has parallels with clients\' experience as they end therapy - this in itself can provide both personal and professional development if you take the time and space to reflect on and process your experience. So do plan ahead for your support needs as you finish the academic year.

You can find more information about CPCAB on its website. CPCAB is the UK's only awarding body run by counsellors for counsellors.

CORE Assessment in Counselling Work (starts at 33.30 mins)

Psychologist John Mellor-Clark was instrumental in the early development of the CORE assessment tools.

In this segment of the Counselling Tutor Podcast - aimed at qualified practitioners - Rory talks to John about CORE assessment in counselling work, in particular:

  • the history, purpose and use of outcome measurement, and CORE in particular
  • how CORE assessment can help clients, counsellors and agencies
  • the frequency of measurement
  • the benefits of assessment for care planning and referrals
  • the use of CORE data to turn into learning about clients, knowledge of how to improve the service, and practical change implementation.

John ends with a reminder that CORE assessment in counselling work is not about converting people to numbers: it is about hearing the client's voice.

Here in Counsellor CPD, a full lecture by John on using outcome measures, including a downloadable slide pack, will be available soon.